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Let me start by describing her. She was from a small town, residing at a hostel near my home, studying engineering. She was dusky and slim. I got her number, before she left from the gathering. And in one week, we started messaging each other. In the beginning it was only forwards and casual Hi’s. By November, 2004, the messages began to become more personal. And by January, she was starting to miss me a lot. On 14th February, 2005, she said she loves me. I got excited, as I had got my first girlfriend. And after that, our talks began to become more sexually oriented. I remember, one afternoon, where she was in the hostel and I asked for the first time what she was wearing. She replied she was wearing Jeans and T shirt and inside, she was wearing 32 size white bra. We made plans during that conversation for our first kiss. I used to take my bike to a town near ours for servicing. We decided that on a particular journey, she will accompany me. I told her to sit very close to me, so. Mathew moved the chess table to the side and said, “Since it’s your house, we should go first.” He guided Jamie in front of their couch and held her from behind. Mathew reached around her and made a show of working each breast through her bra and running his hand over the front of her flesh colored thong. Don was doing the same to Cindy and Cindy was rubbing Don’s cock through his nylon briefs. Jamie closed her eyes and reached behind her to caress the back of Mathew’s head while he kissed her neck and traced his tongue up to her ear. Neither Cindy nor Don took their eyes off of them. Mathew unclasped Jamie’s bra and eased it off her shoulders. As he let it fall to the floor, he used his hand to cover her breasts and to give Jamie the full handed pinch that he knew she was expecting. He uncovered them and put his hands beneath them and held them up for their host’s inspection. “Are these beautiful or what?”, Mathew asked the couple on the couch. Cindy said, “They are beautiful.
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